Interview s Jeffom Maxwellom (MASH 4077th!) a Ryanom Patrickom (MASH Matters podcast) - 2

Second part - best job and the podcast

Lukas: I really like what you mentioned there. You many time say your opinion as it was back then and how did you felt, not necessarily praise everything around MASH and lot of people who listen to the podcast appreciated your view which is totally different from fan view.

Jeff continues: And it is not that a MASH as a job was probably best job I have ever had. I’m really grateful for opportunity it gave me, and it was best job I ever had in showbiz. In terms of being on the set, not everything was perfect, but it was best of the best that I’ve could get. I was on another shows and I did other comedy shows and was involved in rehearsal process, production process, acting process and MASH was the best I’ve ever seen. The best people, the best attitude, the best everything so I’ve got lucky.

Question Lukas: Getting back to the podcast, why new people should listen to your podcast, what they can get?

Ryan: If honestly…

Jeff: We pay better than other podcasts…

All: laughs

Jeff: Ryan, we much better pay, we are not cheap.

Ryan: I mean honestly, somebody who can listen to our podcast there is several different reasons and I’m very kind of touch on it: somebody who is brand new to the show, who’s never watched it before and they just want to get insights behind the show. Someone who has watched the show when they were younger but haven’t watched it in while. This is great way to get reacclimate with the show. And there are also people who are die hard fans – the one who has been watching it since the original airing, or been watching reruns for many many years who has seen every episode inside and out and they are just looking for some new information. News stories, they wanna hear these interviews with these people who are like family to them. 

Jeff: nods

Ryan continues: There is also aspect, its been interesting because my wife who I would not say is huge mash fan, who watched it you know because, you heard about second hand smokers, so she is second hand watcher.

All: laughs

Ryan continues: Because I had it always on, but she listens to the podcast because I made her, I forced her listen to it.

All: laughs

Ryan continues: But she really enjoys listening to it, just because of the humor we like to keep in, the interviews…and also its nice little peak behind the curtain of Hollywood too. You know acting, directing and producing…So if anybody is interested in what makes a TV series work, what are the interworking of TV show, how you can get show on the air, what it takes to be actor – these are all nuggets we sprinkle in among the stories talking about specific episodes and actors. So anybody who is interested in TV, entertainment and of course if you are already MASH fan that’s just added benefit.

Lukas: Jeff do you want to add something or Ryan again copied your lines?

Jeff: laughs…It is true what Ryan said. The guest what we have on, cast members, writers and other people we have on as guest if you listen they might not necessary give you ABC but as you listen over the time, you know you accumulated real good bits and pieces of information not only about MASH but about showbiznis and how all that stuff works. It’s a lot of fun to be able to bring that to the people.

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